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Laxis Lifetime Deal | Capture Key Insights During Meeting

Don’t miss the Laxis lifetime deal, if you’re looking for a smart transcription tool that can automatically transcribe your meetings and highlight key takeaways for your team.


  • Lifetime access to Laxis.
  • All future updates are included.
  • All features are based on the plan.
  • 60-day money-back guarantee.


  • Consultants, Project managers, Sales managers, and Remote teams.

Efficiently capturing and extracting key information from your meetings is vital for effective collaboration and decision-making. But the process can be time-consuming and tedious.

What if there was a solution that could automatically transcribe your meetings and instantly highlight the most important information for your team?

Introducing Laxis, the ultimate tool for automated meeting transcriptions and intelligent information extraction.

With Laxis, you can say goodbye to manual note-taking and focus on the valuable insights shared during your meetings.

Here’s how Laxis can transform your meeting experience:

🎙️ Automated Transcription:

Laxis automatically transcribes your meetings, eliminating the need for manual note-taking. Whether you’re using Google Meet, Webex, Zoom, or even in-person meetings with the mobile app, Laxis captures the conversation in real-time.

📝 Custom Meeting Templates:

Create personalized meeting templates in Laxis to identify key topics and capture specific information during your calls. You can define keywords and phrases within each topic, allowing the tool to extract the relevant information accurately.

💡 Automatic Highlighting:

As your meeting progresses, Laxis highlights key takeaways and important points from the conversation. This feature helps you quickly identify and reference crucial information for future use.

📱 Mobile App Support:

Laxis offers a mobile app that allows you to transcribe and capture insights during in-person meetings. This flexibility ensures that you can leverage Laxis across different meeting formats and environments.

🔍 Advanced Search and Filtering:

With Laxis, you can easily search, filter, and manage keywords or quotes from your transcripts. This functionality enables you to retrieve specific information quickly, such as user pain points, next steps, or any other relevant details.

🔗 Integration with Cloud Storage:

Laxis automatically saves all recordings, memos, and transcripts to the Laxis Cloud. This centralized storage ensures that your data is securely stored and readily accessible for future reference and sharing.

✍️ Laxis Editor:

The Laxis Editor allows you to modify transcripts and memos before sending them to your team. This feature enables you to fine-tune the content and ensure accuracy before sharing important information.

📂 Easy Data Management:

Laxis simplifies the process of pulling key information for various purposes such as customer research, user testing, sales calls, or recruiting interviews. You can manage and organize keywords, quotes, and transcripts efficiently within the platform.

📩 Seamless Collaboration:

Download transcripts and memos from Laxis to share with your sales reps, research teams, or stakeholders. This facilitates effective collaboration and knowledge sharing across your organization.

By leveraging Laxis, you can streamline your meeting documentation process, extract valuable insights, and effortlessly manage and share important information within your team. Save time, enhance collaboration, and make informed decisions based on the key takeaways from your meetings using Laxis.

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